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Stylus testnet information


Stylus is currently tagged as an alpha release. The code has not been audited, and should not be used in production scenarios. This documentation is currently in public preview.

To provide feedback, click the Request an update button at the top of this document, join the Arbitrum Discord, or reach out to our team directly by completing this form.


Stylus is undergoing major upgrades, and some improvements are expected to require a chain reset. Prior to a reset, developers on the testnet are recommened to withdraw their testnet ETH (there is no 7-day delay since this is a testnet, withdrawals are processed in minutes) and redeploy their contracts on the new chain. There will be advanced warning of any resets. Stay up-to-date by joining the Stylus channel in Discord.

This table provides an overview of the available public RPC endpoints for the Stylus testnet and necessary details to interact with them.

NameRPC URLChain IDBlock explorerUnderlying chainTech stackSequencer feed URLSequencer endpoint⚠️
Stylus testnet SepoliaNitro (Rollup)wss://

Unlike the RPC Url, the Sequencer endpoint only supports eth_sendRawTransaction and eth_sendRawTransactionConditional calls.

For information on other mainnet and testnet Arbitrum chains, visit the Node Runners section of the docs.


Below you can find faucets for obtaining testnet ETH. If using a faucet on Ethereum Sepolia or Arbitrum Sepolia, your testnet ETH can be bridged to the Stylus testnet on the Arbitrum Bridge.

Faucet OperatorFaucet URLChain
Bware Labs Testnet
QuickNode Sepolia
Alchemy Sepolia
Sepolia PoW Faucet Sepolia